Dyslexia is a condition / disorder in offspring gained a cause difficulties in reading, writing, and spelling a person's native language. Although the child's intelligence capabilities more than the average. If the cause of mental retardation, are not taught to read, did not get a chance to learn, or a physical illness is not included in dyslexia.

There heredity? Yes in some cases. There is a history of reading difficulties in the elderly, uncle or grandmother.
Dyslexia Signs
Pre-schools, other difficulties
Can run fast but not crawl
Wearing shoes often reversed
More than happy to hear the story saw the writing
Often as not paying attention
Frequent stumbling, falling, bumping into things when walking
It's hard throwing, and catching a ball, jumping, clapping to the beat
School age, ability to speak and write
Having trouble reading and spelling
One wrote and put images
It's hard to memorize the alphabet
Letters upside down, especially the "b" and "d,"
Using fingers to count
poor concentration
Do not understand what is read
Writing a long time
School age, other difficulties
It is hard wearing shoelaces
Difficult to distinguish right and left, the order of the day name or the name of the month
It is difficult to distinguish the right and left
Lost confidence
Dyslexia Treatments
Until now there is no treatment to cure. Therapy aimed at addressing specific learning difficulties, and very individual. Then do the change of learning environment to help children in particular.
The first step is to determine the correct diagnosis, and then perform a variety of psychological and physical examinations. Then followed a full evaluation of the weaknesses and strengths of the child, of course, with the help of teachers in schools.
After that, a meeting between parents, teachers and professionals to determine the next steps in improving the way children learn individually. Parents will also be given instructions on how to help your child at home.
It must be remembered that children with dyslexia often show great ability could Mass very innovative, with excellent problem solving, creative and lateral thinking. Many dyslexic people to be very successful.
The diagnosis of dyslexia is confirmed by the difference in the ability of intelligence (which describes the ability of children to learn) with the results obtained (which describes the actual achievement). However, there is no consensus on the degree of difference. According to the criteria, the difference is about 15-30 points.
Surely the intellectual child should be tested to rule out the possibility of mental retardation. In addition, the examination was also carried out against things that may be the cause of learning difficulties, such as the presence or absence of ADHD, presence or absence of eye and ear disorders, or other diseases.
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