The patient will become infected primarily by inhaling air containing infected with hantavirus rat urine and feces. Due to limited treatment options, the best protection against hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is to avoid rodents and their habitats.
Causes of Hantavirus Symptoms
Each type of hantavirus typically carried by rats. Rats are the main carriers of the virus responsible for most cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in North America. Hantavirus include white-tailed rats and cotton rats rice.
The patient will become infected primarily by inhaling air containing infected with hantavirus rat urine and feces. Aerosolization occurs when the virus that is the air, making it easy for inhalation.
After inhalation of hantaviruses from the air, then the virus will reach the lungs and begin to attack the tiny blood vessels called capillaries, ultimately leading to vascular leak. The lungs are then flooded with a liquid, which can trigger a respiratory problem associated with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
Signs of Hantavirus Symptoms
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome can be in two distinct phases. In the first stage, the patient may experience flu-like signs and symptoms may include:
1. Fever and chills
2. Headache and muscle aches
3. Vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
In the early stages, hantavirus infection is difficult to distinguish from influenza, pneumonia or other viral conditions. After 3-7 days, the signs and symptoms of more serious may occur. Signs and symptoms usually include:
1. Cough that produces secretions
2. shortness of breath
3. Fluid accumulates in the lungs
4. Low blood pressure
5. Reduced cardiac efficiency
Treatment for Hantavirus Symptoms
Treatment options for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome specifically limited. But the prognosis improves with early recognition, immediate hospitalization and adequate support for breathing. Some treatment options may include:
1. supportive therapy
People with severe cases require immediate treatment in the intensive care unit. Assisted respiration, either by intubation or mechanical ventilation, can help with breathing and pulmonary edema ward. Intubation involves placing a breathing tube through the mouth, nose or trachea to help keep the airways open and functioning.
2. blood oxygenation
In very severe cases of lung can be depressed, then the patient will need a method called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to help ensure the body maintain a sufficient supply of oxygen. The procedure involves pumping blood through a machine that removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. Oxygenated blood then returned to the body.
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome can be in two distinct phases. In the first stage, the patient may experience flu-like signs and symptoms may include:
1. Fever and chills
2. Headache and muscle aches
3. Vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
In the early stages, hantavirus infection is difficult to distinguish from influenza, pneumonia or other viral conditions. After 3-7 days, the signs and s

1. Cough that produces secretions
2. shortness of breath
3. Fluid accumulates in the lungs
4. Low blood pressure
5. Reduced cardiac efficiency
That was a glance overview for Hantavirus Symptoms and Treatments. See another related symptoms such as: MRSA Symptoms and Sleep Apnea Symptoms in previous posting. Thank you.