Definitions of Hemophilia Symptoms:
Hemophilia is a bleeding abnormalities due to lack of a clotting factor.
There are two types of hemophilia:
Hemophilia A (classical Hemophilia) is the lack of factor VIII, which covers 80% of cases.
Hemophilia B (Christmas disease) is the lack of factor IX.
Bleeding patterns and consequences of the two types of hemophilia are the same.
Causes of Hemophilia Symptoms:
Hemophilia symptoms is caused by several genetic variants whose properties are revealed; passed down through the mother, but almost always attacked the boy. Severe or not related to Hemophilia Symptoms depends on the symptoms occurring gene variants influence on the activity of factor VII and factor IX. If the activity is less than 1%, then there would be a great episode and recurrent bleeding for no apparent reason.

If the activity reach 5%, then mild symptoms. Rare occurrence of bleeding episodes for no reason is for sure, but surgery or injury can cause uncontrollable bleeding, which can be fatal. First bleeding episode usually occurs before age 18 months, which often occur after a minor injury. Child is prone to bruises. Even an injection into a muscle can cause further bleeding caused extensive bruises (hem atom). Repeated bleeding into joints and muscles can eventually cause crippling deformity. Bleeding can cause swelling of the tongue base to clog the airway and breathing interruptions occur. Light bump on the head can trigger bleeding in the skull bone, which can cause brain damage and death.
Diagnosis of Hemophilia Symptoms:
If a tad unusual bleeding, then unexpectedly she suffered hemophilia. Blood test can find the retardation in the clotting process. If they have been slowing, but to strengthen the diagnosis and determine the type and weight, performed the examination-in factor VII activity and factor IX.

Treatments of Hemophilia Symptoms:
Patients with hemophilia should avoid conditions that can cause bleeding. They should be very attention to treatment of teeth that do not have to undergo a tooth extraction. To patients with mild hemophilia who have to undergo surgery or tooth extraction will be given a drug desmopressin to improve the blood clotting system capacity is only temporary, so do not do transfusions.
Patients also should avoid drugs like Aspirin, warfarin, heparin and certain sedative (such as anti-inflammatory drug non-steroid), which can aggravate bleeding disorders. Treatment usually includes transfusions to replace the lack of coagulation factors. These factors are found in plasma and in greater numbers found in plasma concentrates. Some patients form antibodies against factor VIII and factor IX that transfused, so transfusions became ineffective. If there are antibodies in the blood sample, then the dose increased plasma concentrate or given different coagulation factors or given drugs to reduce the rate of antibody.