The good thing, protecting oil and lubricate the skin, which means that when you grow old, your skin will look younger than they should. So keep in mind, that there is actually a good thing from oily skin.
However, it is important to remove excess oil on the skin every day, in a way that will not make your skin dry.
Many people think that oily skin does not need a moisturizer, but oily skin also require a facial moisturizer. There are two basic rules to cope with Best Moisturizer for Oily Acne Prone Skin, namely:
- Cleaning. Clean your face twice daily with a mild cleansing. Never go to bed without clean the face. This will cause your pores will be clogged and cause acne. Keeping your face bersihadalah best thing you can do for your skin. Remember! Washing your face more than twice a day will make your skin dry and will remove the oil on the skin, and the result, your skin will produce more oil than ever before.
- Facial moisturizer. After cleaning the face, it is important to use moisturizer. You sometimes feel your skin feels tight or tightening after mebersihkan face, right? This is because after cleansing the skin becomes dry, so you should use a moisturizer afterwards.
A best moisturizer for oily acne prone skin is water based and some are called moisturizing gel, because they are lighter than the usual face cream and contains more water, making it easier to absorb into the skin.
Also use shine control products, which they can control the sheen on her face and tighten the pores of your face. If you use foundation, you should look for water-based foundation. If you use a foundation for normal skin, you will not notice a difference on your skin, because the foundation for normal skin contain oil and they will only make your face look more oily and shiny. Because of it, you should also use foundation for oily skin, a light, oil-free and control the sheen on the face. See also related Skin Care tips about Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin and Acne Treatment During Pregnancy in previous posts.